Pricing Sheet: Includes most popular items and projects - but not limited to!
Call for Motorcycle Pricing and other items not listed!!
Small Game: $95
White Tail: $125
Large Game: $150
***Skulls must be cleaned before arrival to shop***
Complete Rifle: $195 (Barrell & Stock)
Black Powder: $200
Stock Only: $115
Barrel Only: $100
Thumb hole rifle stock: $125
Scope ring's and base: $50
Bolt handle: $30
Scope: $85
* Complete rifle does not include floor plate, bolt, or trigger guard *
** Outlaw Hydrographics is not responsible for any type of damage to Scopes that hydrographic dipping may cause **
Complete shotguns: $225 (Certain Patterns & Specific Paint may be slightly higher) We also Offer Cerakote for an additional price.
Complete Over/Under: $250
Stock Only: $75
Forearm Only: $75
Barrel Only (single): $100
Barrel Only (over/under): $110
Receiver: $90
Extension tube: $45
Complete Handguns: $150 and UP depending on length
Complete Revolver : $145 and UP depending on length
Complete Compact Pistol $110
Slide Only: $75
Frame & Grip: $75
Assault Rifles:
Complete AR (Basic Parts): $275
Pistol Grip: $35
Front Rail: $85
Lower Receiver: $65
Upper Receiver: $70
Tactical Grip: $45
Standard Butt Stock: $80
Sliding Butt Stock: $90
Barrel Only: $95
Riser & Limbs: $250
Riser: $135
Limbs (2 per set): $125
Quiver (Top Piece): $55
***Must be dissaembled before brought in***
Wheels up to 20": $175 each
Wheels over 22": $200 each
Valve covers: $95 each & up
Dash: depending on size call for pricing
Small Panels: $35
Fender Flares: $150 each & up depending on size
Rain Guards: $90 a pair
Chevy/Ford logo's: $35
ATV rims: $85 each
Helmet: $80 & Up - Vary By Size
Fuel Tank - Call us - Vary by size
ATV Plastics - Call us or email pictures for quote - Vary by size
Electrical Covers: $15 each (Bulk Pricing Available)
Picture Frames: $25 & up
Ceiling Fan Blades (one side): $20 each
Mailbox: $95
Gaming System: $95
Controller: $30
Paintball Gun: $95
License Plate Frame: $25
Golf Club Heads: $30
Yeti Cups (all sizes) $30